Samuel Mowry, CT
Your time is valuable.
You can always expect a quick response to an email or phone call.
Your deadlines are firm.
Every document is delivered on time or early.
You want input.
Preexisting glossaries and term lists are incorporated seamlessly.
You want consistency.
Modern translation tools ensure that the term on page one is translated the same as when it appears on page one hundred.
You work hard.
You’ve put in your time and effort; you want your text to have the same impact in English as it does in French.
As a professional translator certified by the American Translators Association, I will make your English text sing as beautifully and read as clearly and concisely as you wrote it in French. You worked hard on your text; I work hard on your text in English.
No one can capture nuance like a native speaker. English is my mother tongue, and I hold a bachelor’s degree in French from DePaul University and a Certificate in Advanced Translation Studies from the University of Chicago.